(1990) Compensatory head tilt in upbeating nystagmus. J. Clin. Neuro-ophthalmol., 10: 27-31.Kattah JC, Dagi TF. Compensatory head tilt in upbeating nystagmus. J Clin Neuroophthalmol. 1990; 10 :27–31.Kattah JC, Dagi TF (1990) Compensatory head tilt in upbeating nystagmus. J Clin ...
upbeat nystagmusmastoiditislabyrinthectomyPrimary position upbeat nystagmus is a rare oculomotor sign which has previously been associated with central neurological disease, in particular, lesions of the pontine tegmentum. The authors report three patients with upbeat nystagmus who had chronic ear disease ...
Up/Down Beating NystagmusCharles W. Stockwell
Localising value of primary position upbeating nystagmus. Aust N Z J Med 1987;17: 333-5.Hankey GJ, Silbert PL, Edis RH.Localising value of primary position upbeatingnystagmus.Aust N Z J Med 1987;17:333-5.Hankey, G.J., P.L. Silbert & R.H. Edis. 1987. Local- ising value of ...
VERTIGOUp-beating nystagmusIntercalatus nucleus StaderiniVertebral artery occlusionBrainstem ischemiaThe role of intercalatus nucleus of Staderini(INS),the most caudal of the perihypoglossal nuclei,is much debated.Last research seems to suggest that this nucleus plays a role as a vertical eyes ...
VertigoUp-beating nystagmusIntercalatus nucleus StaderiniVertebral artery occlusionBrainstem ischemiaThe role of intercalatus nucleus of Staderini (INS), the most caudal of the perihypoglossal nuclei, is much debated. Last research seems to suggest that this nucleus plays a role as a vertical eyes...
Downbeating nystagmus and muscle spasms in a patient with glutamic-acid decarboxylase antibodies. Am J Oph- thalmol 2005;140:142-144.Ances BM, Dalmau JO, Tsai J, Hasbani MJ, Galetta SL. Down- beating nystagmus and muscle spasms in a patient with glutamic- acid decarboxylase antibodies. Am ...
upbeating nystagmuscyclosporine Abone marrow transplantationCyclosporine A (CsA) has assumed a central role in the prophylaxis of acute graft-versus-host disease after allogenic bone marrow transplantation; however, its potential neurotoxicity can manifest in 10-35% of patients. In most cases, ...