Tárkányi F, Takács S, Ditrói F, Hermanne A, Sonck M, Shubin Y (2004) Excitation functions of deutron induced nuclear reactions on natural Zn up to 50 MeV. Nucl Instr Meth B 217:531–550Tarkanyi, F, Takacs, S, Ditroi, F, Hermanne, A, Sonck, M, Shubin, YN (2004) ...
COST-EFFECTIVENESS AND PREFERENCE FOR FOLLOW-UP SCENARIOS FOLLOWING BREAST CANCER 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者: V Helvoort-Postulart 摘要: Induced Constipation (OIC). METHODS: The study was conducted by developing and administering a survey composed of a modified decision board and...
PURPOSE:To obtain an image pickup output where the harmful carrier components are suppressed except the base band component by combining plural double refractions in order to make the separate luminous fluxes incident on the prescribed positions on a solid state image pickup chip. CONSTITUTION:The ...
Additional excitation functions for deuteron induced reactions up to 48.6MeV on quasi mono-isotopic Ta (99.99% 181 Ta) were experimentally determined using the activation method through stacked foil irradiation. Cross-sections for the production of 177,178,181 W, 177cum, 178g,180g, 182m+g Ta ...
Blanche50 22-10-28 05:39 发布于 辽宁 来自 华为畅享10 1975年,毛泽东最后一次会见西哈努克。 û收藏 20 6 ñ489 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...抚顺品舍装饰工程有限公司 财务经理 历史博主 头条文章作者 查看更多 a 176关注 28.5万...
In the frame of a systematic study of the activation cross sections of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions, excitation functions for formation of 118,119m,119g,121m,121g,123mTe, 118m,120m,122g,124gSb and 117mSn on natSb targets were determined up to 50MeV. Cross sections were measured ...
Excitation functions for nuclear reactions induced by deuterons up to 50 MeV on natural nickel targets were studied in five experiments using a standard stacked foil technique and non destructive high resolution gamma spectrometry. Reaction products with half life of more than 2 h were assessed. The...
Ignatyuk, Cross sections of deuteron induced reactions on natCr up to 50 MeV: experiments and comparison with theoretical codes, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 269 (2011) 2563-2571.Hermanne A, Rebeles RA, Ta´rka´nyi F, Taka´cs S, Taka´cs MP, Csikai J, Ignatyuk A (...
F. DitroiInstitute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of SciencesElsevier B.V.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, BA. Hermanne, F. Tarkanyi, S. Takacs, F. Ditroi, Extension of activation cross section data of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on rhodium up to 50 MeV...