intr.v. snuffed, snuff·ing, snuffs To use or inhale snuff.Idiom: up to snuff Informal 1. Normal in health. 2. Up to standard; adequate. [Dutch snuf, short for snuftabak : Dutch snuffen, to sniff; see snuffle + tabak, tobacco.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English ...
Up to snuff Something that is satisfactory or meets expectations is up to snuff. This idiom is basically synonymous with “cut the mustard.” Example: “No matter how many times Jonathan reworks that graphic, it just isn’t up to snuff.” Too many irons in the fire In the old days, pe...
Behaving in one's usual deceitful or mischievous fashion, as inShe's up to her old tricks, telling her parents one thing and her teachers another, orHe's up to his old tricks, teasing his sisters until they're in tears. Put asat his old tricks, this idiom was first recorded in 1823...
Definition of up to the task in the Idioms Dictionary. up to the task phrase. What does up to the task expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
1.To raise; elevate. 2.To raise to a higher social, intellectual, or moral level or condition. 3.To raise to spiritual or emotional heights; exalt:music that uplifts the spirit. adj.(ŭp′lĭft′) Uplifted. n.(ŭp′lĭft′) ...
“Keeping up with the Joneses” is an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one’s neighbor as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to “keep up with the Joneses” is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic...
1.adjectiveHappy, euphoric, optimistic, etc.The kids have been so up ever since they found out we're going to Disneyland this summer.He seems really up lately. He must have gotten that promotion.I've been feeling really up now that I know I got into my first choice college!
Idiom: to the nines Informal To the highest degree: dressed to the nines. [Middle English, from Old English nigon; see newn̥ in Indo-European roots.] nine adj. & pron. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin ...
Define up to the hilt. up to the hilt synonyms, up to the hilt pronunciation, up to the hilt translation, English dictionary definition of up to the hilt. n. The handle of a weapon or tool. Idiom: to the hilt To the limit; completely: played the role to
Definition of snuggle up (to one) in the Idioms Dictionary. snuggle up (to one) phrase. What does snuggle up (to one) expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.