67]. Clinical symptoms include craniosynostosis, facial dysmorphism, delayed eruption of teeth and growth impairment, which may be associated with hypophosphatemic rickets due to enhanced bone FGF23-synthesis.
Mellencamp took Dove, whom she welcomed with husband Edwin Arroyave in February, for a standard medical checkup earlier in July and was referred to a neurosurgeon, who diagnosed Dove with lambdoid craniosynostosis, leaving the family in “complete shock.”Mellencamp said the rare condition is ...
If a child is stuckin a place that he has climbed to himself, the best way to proceed is to talk him through getting unstuck in a soothing voice, or take the smallest possible action to help. (For example: helping a child to un-wedge his leg from between two bars so that he can ...
(1) Background: Non-syndromic unicoronal craniosynostosis (UCS) is associated with a high prevalence of ocular anomalies. Currently, the etiology of this association remains obscure, however, it is presumed to be primarily attributed to their orbital mal
Subsequently, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay to recognize the binding site of the identified key Nell-1-induced transcriptional factor on the Runx3 promoter. The current study is not only an additional new section of a series of investigations that uncover the underlying mechanism...