The meaning of AIR is the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the earth; also : the equivalent mix of gases on another celestial object (such as a planet). How to use air in a sentence. Synonym Discu
Define up in the air. up in the air synonyms, up in the air pronunciation, up in the air translation, English dictionary definition of up in the air. n. 1. a. A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen and oxygen with lesser amoun
The meaning of AIR UP is to inflate or fill (something) with air. How to use air up in a sentence.
in an erect, vertical, or raised position: The gate at the railroad crossing is up. The tent is up. above the earth or ground: The corn is up and ready to be harvested. in the air; aloft: The meteorological balloons are up.
'Up in the air' is an idiom which means 'not decided.' For example, if you were planning a dinner party but didn't know the exact time, your plans are... Learn more about this topic: Idiom in Figurative Language | Definition, Uses & Examples ...
And I don’t expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep. I just don’t want to settle. Alex: You’re young. Right now you see settling as some sort of a failure. Natalie: It definition. Alex: But by the time someone is right for you, it won’t feel like ...
Define up to. up to synonyms, up to pronunciation, up to translation, English dictionary definition of up to. adv. 1. a. In or to a higher position: looking up. b. In a direction opposite to the center of the earth or a comparable gravitational center: u
此外,jump in还可以表示“打断谈话、插话”,例如:If you have any questions, jump right in.(如果有什么问题,就直接说。) 2.don't have a heartbeat:没有心跳,在这里指汽车工业“完全溃败,一蹶不振”。 3.glocal:全球本地化,global和local的合成词。这种进程也称为glocalization。 By definition, the term...
An unparalleled flourishing of services and requirements will occur in the 5G era. We will see remote control applications that require ms-level latency; demand for gigabit broadband to support virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and ultra-high definition video; and LPWA IoT that will...