Replace last last up-convolution unit. Dependencies Tested on Python 3.6.x. Pytorch (1.1.0) NumPy (1.16.2) Opencv (4.0.0) Matplotlib (3.1.1) Downloading Dataset Link to download CelebA dataset. Training Netwroks Training vanilla models We train different GAN models using this repo. Then, we...
上采样和反卷积 Up-sampling and Transposed Convolution (Deconvolution),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
叮dong: 上采样是指将特征图的分辨率还原到原始图片的分辨率大小 1.unpooling(解池化):在空隙中填充 0 最大池化的相反过程,对应于最大值的地方填写最大值,其他位置补0 2.unsampling 在空隙中填充同样的值 3.deconvolution/transpose convolution(转置卷积):对…阅读全文 赞同33 添加评论 分享...
PyTorch implementation of "Squeezeformer: An Efficient Transformer for Automatic Speech Recognition" (NeurIPS 2022) - Squeezeformer/squeezeformer/ at main · upskyy/Squeezeformer
之前在介绍CNN的文章中,Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)介绍–Pytorch实现,介绍了关于逆卷积的一些内容,但是感觉没有讲的很好。这次查到一篇文章,正好结合理解详细说一下,贴一下自己实验的结果。 参考链接 :Up-sampling with Transposed Convolution 建议可以看一下原文,我的理解可能还是会和原文有些偏差。
Torch-TensorRT is a PyTorch integration for TensorRT inference optimizations on NVIDIA GPUs. With just one line of code, it speeds up performance up to 6x.
Build upon the broad AI software ecosystem:It is critical for us to embrace the current AI software ecosystem. We want everyone to use the software that they are familiar with in deep learning, machine learning, and data analytics, for example, from TensorFlow* and PyTorch*, ...
performance-intensive operations, such as convolution, matrix multiplication, batch normalization, and many more. Horovod is an open-source package that facilitates distributed DL with TensorFlow and other popular frameworks such as PyTorch*. It is widely used to train models across...
To enable training SLaK, we followRepLKNetand install the efficient large-kernel convolution with PyTorch provided by MegEngine: cd cutlass/examples/19_large_depthwise_conv2d_torch_extension ./ install --user. If you get errors, (1) check yourCUDA_HOME; (2) you might need to change...
PyTorch implementation of "Squeezeformer: An Efficient Transformer for Automatic Speech Recognition" (NeurIPS 2022) - upskyy/Squeezeformer