The victim went missing on August 24, 2019, after posting a video on social media, appealing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for justice. She was later found in Rajasthan’s Jaipur and produced before the court the same da...
I have been an avid “Gilmore Girls” fan for years. I watched it with my girls as they grew up. I washed it later as a comfort show during the pandemic and after my best friend died. So, of course, I was going to read (or, in the case, listen) to Kelly Bishop’s new memoir...
i.e., where aerosols are nucleated in Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone and moved to regions where relative large variations ionization can be found. Here the aerosols could grow faster under the influence of ion condensation, and the perturbed growth rate will influence ...
Before each run, all the auxiliary systems are started up and their functionality is verified, in order to assure the right operation of the whole plant. In parallel, some instruments are calibrated to avoid significant errors in the measurement of the key parameters. As soon as the auxiliary ...