What Makes Up-and-Coming Tech Firms Bankable?Byline: Bryan Yurcan Scott Olmsted, a commercial banker who caters to technology companies...Yurcan, Bryan
While Letv might not be China’s biggest streaming video site, it’s one of the most interesting tech companies to watch in 2015 as it quickly diversifies to new areas. Its range of smartphones is out already, and anambitious electric car is in the works. It will come with Letv’s own...
If you want the salary of a tech career but aren’t sure you have it in you, you are probably wrong about that too. Try anAI Coursetoday and see for yourself. Take a look at the up-and-coming technology careers for 2022 and see for yourself. There’s something here for everyone. T...
Many tech companies put a huge focus on growing engineering talent and less on other business functions. Developing engineering talent is a must, but successful businesses also need future product managers, marketers, and analysts. For many of these disciplines, the gap between what’s learned in...
That’s different today, as blockchain developers are now one of the hot jobs in tech. And that’s why it’s the embodiment of an up-and-coming job – i.e. a job that has gone from “never heard of it” to “got to have it” in just the past few years. So w...
Turkey’s gaming boom has brought a global audience to Turkish companies, and its government has helped encourage growth through both university programs and government initiatives that aid up-and-coming companies, building strong career options for young people. ...
Additive manufacturing is clearly an up and coming industry. Some investors, and tech insiders have compared 3D printing to the first and second industrial revolutions. If that's the case, stocks of various companies involved within the industry are certain to soar in the coming years ahead....
And China's Five-Year Plan (FYP) does exactly that – provides a guideline as to where the country will be heading in the coming five years. “Innovation” is at the heart of the latest plan. Beijing says it will become a self-sufficient global tech superpower, and w...
By coming up with a compelling solution that's unlikely to have occurred to others, and might even seem unlikely to succeed. Historically, many of the best startup ideas seemed wild at the outset, and it was only with hindsight that their value became evident. ...
In Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, the Shenzhen-Harbin industrial park, which draws on the experience of Shenzhen including streamlining administrative approvals, project bidding and tax incentives for talent, is attracting more and more high-tech companies and supporting the...