Welcome to Honeywell UOP, where legacy meets innovation at the forefront of the next energy revolution. For over a century, we have been at the helm of the energy landscape, fostering innovations that reach beyond the energy sector, touching a broad range of industries, ready to seize opportuni...
UOP, a Honeywell company, has been awarded an 'Energy and Environmental Excellence Award' from Hart. Energy for innovations in refining to meet global energy challenges.Chemical Weekly GroupChemical Weekly
A Honeywell Company On Oct. 3, 2005, Honeywell announced its acquisition of Dow’s 50-percent stake in UOP, closing the deal on Nov. 30 for $825 million. Read more UOP Milestones: 1914: Dubbs Cracking Process 1938: High Octane Aviation Gasoline 1949: Platforming™ Process 1953: Syn...
2005. 12月1日电:霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)(纽约证券交易所代码:HON)今日宣布,该公司已完成其收购UOP LLC(环球油品公司)50%股权的交易。UOP 之前由陶氏化学公 司(Dow Chemical Company) 旗下全资子公司联合碳化物公司(Union Carbide Corporation) 间接所有。该交易使霍尼韦尔拥有了UOP 的全部所有权。 UOP 是面向石油...
“uop”的意思是:abbr. 万国油品公司(Universal Oil Products Company);部队操作程序(Unit Operating Procedure)。1、相关短语:UOP LLC 环球油品公司 ; 万国油品公司 Honeywell UOP 霍尼韦尔环球油品公司 UOP MD 自动化生产线设计 UOP UOP 美国环球油品公司 2、例句:The advanced second generation ...
UOP Design Advantages The key to the regeneration capability and reliability of the DRCS is UOP’s expertise in the functional requirements of the Butamer and Penex processes. The DRCS design provides:• A dedicated control system designed for automatic control • Catalyst, adsorbent, and ...
2005.12月1日电:霍尼韦尔公司 (Honeywell)(纽约证券交易所代码:HON)今日宣布,该公司已完成其收购 UOP LLC(环球油品公司)50%股权的交易。UOP 之前由陶氏化学公司 (Dow Chemical Company) 旗下全资子公司联合碳化物公司 (Union Carbide Corporation) 间接所有。该交易使霍尼韦尔拥有了 UOP 的全部所有权。 UOP 是面向石...
3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- UOP LLC, a Honeywell (NYSE: HON) company, announced today that it has formed a licensing alliance with ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company (EMRE) to offer integrated solutions for the production of lubricant oils and high-quality fuels. The ...
+Honeywell UOP has rich history inRussia. In 1931 the outstanding Soviet scientist Vladimir Ipatyev joined the company. He headed research division and invented the catalyst on the basis of solid phosphoric acid which allowed to gain a bigger access of gasoline from crude oil. In 1937 UOP signe...
霍尼韦尔在全球约有15万名员工,分布在100多个国家各地区,年销售额约为350亿美金。UOP 简介 UOP 为霍尼韦尔全资子公司,隶属于霍尼韦尔特殊材料集团。UOP 是石油炼制和气体处理领域领先的工艺技术、催化剂、吸附剂、装置设备和技术服务供应商,及专利许可商. 具有95年的优秀历史, 在2003年曾获得美国国家最高技术奖章...