多伦多大学,学名University of Toronto,于1827年建立,是加拿大“老派大学”old four之一。主校区St.George(UTSG)坐落于加拿大安大略省首府多伦多的市中心,另外两个校区分别位于Scarborough士嘉堡(UTSC)和Mississauga密西沙加(UTM)。根据最新公布的排名,多大是位于加拿大第一、全世界第21的医博类大学。 多大只有九月一期开学...
Jahnae Jones-Haywood is a 4th year student at University of Toronto Mississauga specializing in Criminology with a minor in Ethics. Her focus of study and research is on prisons and policing specifically looking at how race and gender play a role in experiences with those systems. She is a ...