这是UOB的一个促销活动,叫Good Things Saving Promotion。 原来是这样!更开心的是,这5万块钱会在8月17日重新回到我的One Account里,而且还会显示在账户总数里。最重要的是,这并不影响One Account当月的利息!难怪我看到One Account里多了一项250元的款项,原来是这个促销活动给的奖励! 这个促销活动的详细情况可以...
对于某些只能扫码不让paywave的摊位,消费任务仍可借助Fave、Xnap等app完成,当然也有些摊位都不行只能paynow,那就没办法了。 新开户的朋友记得先去注册UOB Christmas Saving Promotion,注册完再转入资金。这笔钱一旦确认参与活动,将有4个月不能挪用。希望这些信息对你有帮助!如果你还有其他问题,欢迎随时提问哦!💬 ...
UOB one-ac..UOB one-account回国前没注销被继续扣费, 因为里面没钱了,现在里面变成负值,请问这个有必要去注销吗?他们不接受电话/email 申请注销。
大華銀行是東南亞第三大銀行,在新加坡設有68間分行。要在UOB開立定期存款,你要先開一個銀行戶口,例如UOB One Account,開戶存款只需S$1000,還可以透過完成消費和存款任務去解鎖更高的活期存款利率。 UOB定期存款戶口特色:¹⁺² 起存額S$5,000 存款期由1個月到3年不等,年利率最高可達3.2% 不設帳戶維護...
1.TheUOBPersonalInternetBanking-MovieTreatsPromotion(the“Promotion”) isopentoallEligibleCustomersashereindescribed. 2.EligibleCustomersrefertoallcustomersofUOBwhomaintainaPersonal InternetBanking(“PIB”)Accountandwho,duringtheQualifyingPeriod (definedinpara5)performaloginforthefirsttimeormakeaFundTransferor ...
嘿,大家好!今天我要跟大家聊聊UOB One Account的好处,真的是让人心动不已!只要你是UOB One Account的持有者,就能享受到这些超棒的福利。让我来详细说说吧! 储蓄账户余额要求 💸 首先,你得确保你的储蓄账户余额达到$50000以上。这个条件是必须的,没达到的话可就享受不到后面的福利了。所以,赶紧把你的储蓄账户...
Initial amount of $1,000 to open account Fall-below fee of $2 per month (below $1,000 balance) UOB One Debit Mastercard which awards up to 3% rebate at Cold Storage, Giant, Guardian, 7-Eleven, Grab UOB Stash Account Promotions
UOB Savings or Uniplus Account Interest Rates 15 / 16 years old and above for branch / online application $2 fall below fee if minimum average daily balance is less than $500 Earn a base interest of 0.05% p.a. on your savings Comes with a UOB One Debit Mastercard which you can use ...
Money lock has launched – a feature that enables you to lock your money safely from scammers. Just set it up, lock your funds in any eligible current or savings account and continue to enjoy interest and rewards. Try it out and let us know what you think!
With a minimum initial deposit of RM1,000, you’ll get access to 24/7 digital banking services via UOB Business Internet Banking (BIB) and monthly e-statements when you open a Current Account-i. What’s more, since UOB Malaysia has one of the largest branch networks...