Unzipping files is a common task when working with compressed data on Linux systems. The unzip command allows you to extract files from ZIP archives quickly and efficiently. Whether you're dealing with downloaded files, backups, or shared documents, knowing how to unzip a file in Linux can st...
How to unzip a GZ file on Linux via GUI If you’d like to use the Graphical User Interface (your desktop environment), you can extract/unzip/uncompress a .gz file by right-clicking on the file and clicking on “Extract Here”. It’s that simple. Locate the file you want to unzip, ...
1. 解压缩ZIP文件 (Unzipping ZIP Files) 在Linux中,可以使用unzip命令来解压缩ZIP文件。具体步骤如下: 打开终端。 输入以下命令:unzip filename.zip 按下回车键,系统将开始解压缩文件。 2. 解压缩RAR文件 (Unzipping RAR Files) 对于RAR格式的文件,用户需要先安装unrar工具。安装完成后,可以使用以下命令解压缩: ...
To unzip zip file in Linux, we need to install unzip package. After we install unzip command, we can extract zip file from the command line or from the GUI, if you are using Linux Desktop. Install Unzip on Linux Operating System So first we need to install unzip command on Linux. To ...
-u: This option extracts those files that do not already exist on disk. How to Use Unzip Here’s are several ways to Unzip a compressed zip file in Linux: 1.To unzip a single file use the unzip command without any option as shown below: ...
在Linux系统上解压gz文件 (Unzipping .gz Files on Linux) 在Linux系统上,解压gz文件非常简单。你可以使用命令行工具来完成这项任务。以下是一些常用的命令: 使用gunzip命令 (Using the gunzip Command) 打开终端。 使用以下命令解压gz文件: gunzip filename.gz ...
After theunziputility is installed, you can start extracting files on the Linux system. In this section, we will explain how to use the tool for several common use cases. Important!The size limit setting in the file system might trigger an error when you unzip a file in Linux. If you ...
tar命令参数前面加不加“-”执行命令的结果是没有区别的,区别只要是在于linux风格方面,加“-”属于System V风格,不加“-”属于BSD风格,所以在使用tar命令的时候它的参数加不加“-”结果是一样的,看个人的使用方式; 常用参数: 一、打包 实例: a.将file1文件和doc1文件和txt1文件打包为一个文件,名称为“test...
linux下的unzip命令详解 1.功能作用:解压缩zip文件 2.位置:/usr/bin/unzip 3.格式用法:unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] 4.主要参数 -c 将解压缩的结果显示到屏幕上,并对字符做适当的转换 -p 与-c参数类似,会将解压缩的结果显示到屏幕上,但不会执行任何...
Graphical User Interface is easy to interact with and perform any operation on Linux-based systems. The following steps are carried out to extract/unzip files using the GUI of Ubuntu. Step 1: Find the Zipped file Firstly, find the location of where the zipped file is present. In the exampl...