A file containing wrapped PL/SQL source text is called a wrapped file. Awrapped file can be moved, backed up, or processed by SQL*Plus or the Importand Export utilities. To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or a DBMS_DDL subprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility...
A file containing wrapped PL/SQL source text is called a wrapped file. Awrapped file can be moved, backed up, or processed by SQL*Plus or the Importand Export utilities. To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or a DBMS_DDL subprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility...
To produce a wrapped file, use either the PL/SQL Wrapper utility or aDBMS_DDLsubprogram.The PL/SQL Wrapper utility wraps the source text of every wrappable PL/SQL unitcreated by a specified SQL file. TheDBMS_DDLsubprograms wrap thesource text of single dynamically generated wrappable PL/SQL...
CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONF_DAVE( nint )RETURNstring IS BEGIN IFn=1THEN RETURN'DaveisDBA!'; ELSIFn=2THEN RETURN'DavecomefromAnQing!'; ELSE RETURN'DavecomefromHuaiNing!'; ENDIF; END; / SYS@dave2(db2)>selectF_DAVE(4)fromdual; F_DAVE(4) ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_DAVE ( n int ) RETURN string IS BEGIN IF n = 1 THEN RETURN 'Dave is DBA!'; ELSIF n = 2 THEN RETURN 'Dave come from AnQing!'; ELSE RETURN 'Dave come from HuaiNing!'; END IF; END; / SYS@dave2(db2)> select F_DAVE(4) fromdual; ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_DAVE ( n int ) RETURN string IS BEGIN IF n = 1 THEN RETURN 'Dave is DBA!'; ELSIF n = 2 THEN RETURN 'Dave come from AnQing!'; ELSE RETURN 'Dave come from HuaiNing!'; END IF; END; / SYS@dave2(db2)> select F_DAVE(4) fromdual; ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_DAVE ( n int ) RETURN string IS BEGIN IF n = 1 THEN RETURN 'Dave is DBA!'; ELSIF n = 2 THEN RETURN 'Dave come from AnQing!'; ELSE RETURN 'Dave come from HuaiNing!'; END IF; END; / SYS@dave2(db2)> select F_DAVE(4) fromdual; ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_DAVE ( n int ) RETURNstring IS BEGIN IF n = 1 THEN RETURN 'Dave is DBA!'; ELSIF n = 2 THEN RETURN 'Dave come from AnQing!'; ELSE RETURN 'Dave come from HuaiNing!'; END IF; END; / [oracle@db2 ~]$wrap iname=dave.sql ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_DAVE ( n int ) RETURN string IS BEGIN IF n = 1 THEN RETURN 'Dave is DBA!'; ELSIF n = 2 THEN RETURN 'Dave come from AnQing!'; ELSE RETURN 'Dave come from HuaiNing!'; END IF; END; / SYS@dave2(db2)> select F_DAVE(4) fromdual; ...