interest rate of the instrument, and continuesunwindingthediscountasinterest income. 倘應收賬款減值,本集團會將其賬面 值撇減至可收回金額,即按該工具原有實際 利率折 現估計未來 現金流量,然後逐 步將 折扣 額確認 為利息收入。
When a receivable is impaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, being the estimated future cash flow discounted at original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continuesunwindingthediscount as interest income. ...
At the beginning of this year I decided to step back a little from the routine shop updates for Unwind. I still have my retail storefront, and it still has yarn in it, but due to the dramatic drop in traffic I have decided to focus on custom orders, wholesale orders, and show dyeing...
Major central banks were broadly in sync as they undertook quantitative easing (QE); however, the BoE is set to undertake a divergent path in reducing the size of its balance sheet, conducting quantitative tightening (QT) to a greater extent than its peers, including more outright bonds sales...
A weekly “power hour”where he sits down every Sunday with a cup of green tea and sets goals for the next week. He also reflects on the week he and his team just went through and spends time being grateful for both the fun stuff that happened, plus all the struggles because he l...