X64 Unwind Information I've had a fairly large number of e-mails with various people both inside & outside Microsoft explaining the AMD64 unwind data. I generally push them at the ABI documentation (which I've linked to inthisentry). But the ABI documentation really requires a complete rea...
Unwind information for optimized programs
Define Unwind a trade. Unwind a trade synonyms, Unwind a trade pronunciation, Unwind a trade translation, English dictionary definition of Unwind a trade. ) v. un·wound ), un·wind·ing, un·winds v. tr. 1. To reverse the winding or twisting of: unwind
Analyzing a first binary version of a program and unwind information associated with the first binary version of the program, performing optimization on the first binary version of the program to produce a second binary version of the program based at least in part on the results of the ...
在DWARF6.4 Call Frame Information一节详细的描述了调用栈帧的定义。 2.1 Call Frame Table 抽象的说,整个栈帧计算机制的核心是一张大表: 可以使用readelf -wF xxx命令来查看通过elf文件中的.eh_frame解析出来的这张表: $ readelf -wF a.out...
Information Provider Zamalabs Yazilim ve Bilgi Teknolojileri Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi has identified itself as a trader for this app and confirmed that this product or service complies with European Union law. DUNS Number 533168069 Address ...
每个 FDE 引用一个 Common Information Entry(CIE), CIE 保存共用的操作指令集合用于共享,所以多个 FDE 可以引用相同的 CIE。这些设计节省空间的同时,也增加了 unwind 需要的操作,当需要寻找某个 pc 对应的 CFA(Canonical Frame Address) 计算规则时,在找到 FDE 时可能会需要逐行计算直到找到 pc 所在的“行”。
在MongoDB中,$unwind是用于展开数组字段的操作符。它将包含在数组中的每个元素都展开成一个独立的文档,生成多个结果。 具体来说,$unwind的作用是将数组字段拆分成多个文档,并复制其他字段的内容。这样做的目的是方便进行聚合操作,以便在展开后的文档上进行进一步的数据处理。
如果没有FP指针,那我们如何从stack上找的对应函数的调用链关系呢?在DWARF引入了一个新的Call Frame Information段来辅助的调试信息。CFI信息被存储在.eh_frame段。从逻辑上来看,eh_frame是一个table: 索引:每条指令的代码地址(every address in program text) ...
Analyzing a first binary version of a program and unwind information associated with the first binary version of the program, performing optimization on the first binary version of