A few years back a robin was putting twigs on my old, wooden windowsill to build a nest, but the twigs would then roll off the slant. After many attempts, I helped out by nailing up there a board, edged with some nails, to hold in the twigs. Well, the robin finished up the (ve...
How to Get There:Take the 1 train to Franklin Street and walk to Dream House from here. There is a restaurant on the ground floor but the exhibition will be on the third floor. And if you’re lost, just follow the nifty little paper sign 5. The Tenement Museum One of thebest museum...
This 320-square-foot shipping container accommodation is a low-profile vacation rental for visitors on Carolina Beach. It has enough living space to accommodate two adults and a small child. The container features floor-to-ceiling doors and a wooden deck. The interiors are luxurious, with modern...
The present research analyses the role of the Egyptian artist within the context of New Kingdom art, paying attention to the appearance of new details in Theban tomb chapels that reflect the originality of their creators. On the one hand, the visibility
and nightstand organizer. wooden storage is far superior to those made of cardboard or plastic. easy to decorate or embellish. many people also use this cabinet to organize jewelry-making tools and components such as beads or crystals. work wonderfully for organizing fishing and tackle, hardware...