Recently I often had tea with him and he told me that once he wasplanting seeds in a large piece of waste land,the owner came along and sent him away. Henry returned some days later when there wasno one around. You can imagine how surprisedthe owner was when he saw a large letter ...
Recently I was having tea with him and he told me that once he was planting seeds in a large piece of waste land when the owner came along and sent him away. Henry returned some days later when there was no one around. You can imagine how surprised the owner was when one day he ...
When flowers die away, he goes round again to collect their seeds. In this way, he always has a big supply. Many people make fun of Henry, but he never lets him-self get upset! Recently I was having tea with him and he told me that once he was planting seeds in a large piece ...
He likes planting flowers in strange places. When spring comes round you can always found that the dirty sides of canals land covered with rubbish and railway banks suddenly become full of flowers. In his spare time with his pockets full of seeds Henry goes around on his bike. He has a ...
Andy Mclndoe finds some lesser known cultivars with interest all year to shake up your planting palette.Finding interesting evergreens can be challenging. Most of us reach for familiar favourites, which are widely grown and always available. However,there are some more unusual ones that deserve wi...
He likes planting flowers in strange places. When spring comes round you can always found that the dirty sides of canals land covered with rubbish and railway banks suddenly become full of flowers. In his spare time with his pockets full of seeds Henry goes around on his bike. He has a ...
This is an older post worthy of revisiting for the lovely textile designers it showcases. This was an exhibition on at Manchester’s Whitworth Gallery a while ago. Someone has been very busy scattering seeds and planting at the back of the Gallery as the gardens are looking wonderful just no...
Recently I was having tea with him and he told me that once he was planting seeds in a large piece of waste land when the owner came along and sent him away. Henry returned some days later when there was no one around. You can imagine how surprised the owner was when, one day, he...
New and ancient songs show that there’s more to reviving a crop than planting seeds. by Andrew Coletti June 17, 2024 The Resurrection of Rajasthan’s Royal Liquors After fading away post-Independence, Heritage Liquors are back and, this time, everyone can sip them. by N.C. Stevens...
that Miss Wilmott was fascinated by the sea hollyEryngium gigantium. She carried seeds of this species in her pocket whenever she visited other people's gardens. If she thought the garden was lacking in interest, she would secretly scatter seeds of the giant sea holly among the dull planting...