Endometrial Ossification: An Unusual Cause of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (HMB)doi:10.1007/s13224-015-0814-6Pabashi PoddarDepartmentKomal ChavanDepartmentRajendra M. SaraogiDepartmentPramila YadavDepartmentSpringerJournal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India...
bleedinghypothyroidismprecocious pubertyA 10-yr-old female was referred due to prolonged bleeding lasting for a week following tooth extraction. She had heavy periods since she was 9. Her height was < 0.4th centile. Tanner staging was breast stage B3-4, axillary hair A1, and pubic h...
A 19-year-old woman with a history of heavy menstrual bleeding was admitted for a sudden, painless, non progressive loss of vision in her left eye. Upon examination, her fundus revealed several Roth spots affecting all four quadrants and the macula, alongside a...
We report the case of a 40-year-old female presenting with a complaint of heavy menstrual bleeding. Computed tomography scan revealed a large uterine mass with the right ovarian cyst. Histopathological examination confirmed the nature of the lesion as a benign angiolipoleiomyoma with a dermoid ...
Placental site trophoblastic tumouran unusual cause of intermenstrual bleeding. Management and 1 year of follow upH. A. Mousa, Sarah J. Court, I. M. Nawroz, Carolyn A. McKinley, T. A. Mahmood