If you’re somewhat versed in Fantasy and Sci-Fi you’ll recognize a few of these names too. This year’s Writing Guest of Honor is non other than Jody Lynne Nye, and if you check the“featured guests” pageover on LTUE’s website, you’ll see quite a few other names you’ve lik...
By: Author Girl with the Passport Posted on Last updated: January 4, 2025 Categories New York CityShare Tweet Pin40K Share Share 40K Shares Look, I don’t know everything about everything. But, what I do know is that I have been living in NYC for all my life (30+ years). ...
but “Mayhem” is getting swapped out for something else. I’m considering a couple of names right now that keep the cadence and alliteration, but in the meantime yes, the name is changing (note: I’ll still tag it as “Magic and Mayhem” along with the new title once I’ve fixed ...
Hop onboard a comfortable coach and cruise around Manhattan, stopping at iconic locations from Gossip Girl, Sex and the City and The Sopranos. Read More Movie tours in NYC 9– Cheer for the Knicks at the Madison Square Garden While some might associate the Big Apple with baseball (the Yanke...
First, it is clear that all three factors share significant simi- larity in the area of the peptidyl hydrolysis domain includ- ing the GGQ motif (Fig. 1A). Due to the presence of this motif in RFH it is placed in the same cluster of ortholo- gous groups (COG1186J) with RF1, RF...
A reduction in sporadic NoV infections was noted following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the return of NoV gastroenteritis during the COVID-19 pandemic has been noted recently. Research in recent years has shown that different virus strains are associated with different clinical ...
I always like the people who keep moving forward, but kind of stay in their own lane. —Girl Talk 0 When you move like a jellyfish, rhythm is nothing. You go with the flow. You don't stop. —Jack Johnson 310 When we choose to love, we choose to move against fear, against aliena...
Which is why we’ve had prompts like A Dragon and Her Girl, A Parliament of Wizards, or Troubadours and Space Princesses. Which, naturally, leads us to this year’s prompt and title: Dog Save the King, a collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories that all revolve around canine heroes ...
Girl. I’ve rolled my eyes at that too. But that isn’t the fault of the original tale. It was just popular. We could blame publishers for doubling-down on selling as many variations on the same book as possible, but that’s getting out of touch with what the point of this post ...
Girl. I’ve rolled my eyes at that too. But that isn’t the fault of the original tale. It was just popular. We could blame publishers for doubling-down on selling as many variations on the same book as possible, but that’s getting out of touch with what the point of this post ...