Unused global option(s) Common Causes Using a font option which is not available for that class: Most standardLaTeXclasses will only accept10pt,11ptor12ptfont options. If you write a font option such as\documentclass[13pt]{article}, you will generate anUnused global option(s)error, as13pt...
I am trying to compile it from Overleaf after cloning this repo into a blank project. Owner PseudomanifoldcommentedMay 3, 2020 That's a good point---the options are now obsolete, but they were useful for older versions of thetypeareapackage. I have now removed the option; the warning sho...
Unused global option(s) Common Causes Using a font option which is not available for that class: Most standardLaTeXclasses will only accept10pt,11ptor12ptfont options. If you write a font option such as\documentclass[13pt]{article}, you will generate anUnused global option(s)error, as13pt...
Unused global option(s) Common Causes Using a font option which is not available for that class: Most standardLaTeXclasses will only accept10pt,11ptor12ptfont options. If you write a font option such as\documentclass[13pt]{article}, you will generate anUnused global option(s)error, as13pt...