《未转变者(Unturned)》是一款在线沙盒类生存游戏,本站致力于整理和收集游戏的基本资料和数据,并为广大中文玩家提供汉化资料查阅。 未转变者中文Wiki目前共有11,704个页面,1,423篇词条,20,924次编辑。 《未转变者(Unturned)》是一款免费游戏,任何玩家只要拥有Steam账号即可开玩。 本维基由灰机game搭建并进行维护 ...
ID List Crafting Skills Iterations Unturned II Unturned Classic Antique Achievements Version History Patches Sign In Don't have an account? Register Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Advertisement Sign In Register Unturned Bunker Wiki 3,319 pages Explore Main Page ...
ID List Unturned Bunker Wiki ID List Ghhfhfhffh·12/2/2023in General Eu não consigo ver se as comidas estão boas e nem ver a durabilidade das armas StinkyBacon98·11/27/2023in General I can't find the flame thrower zombie boss. Can someone help me ...
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Pitchfork ID 1034 物品类型 近身武器 伤害 ? 长度 ? 攻击频率 ? 可否装备 可 描述 "Battered from years of stacking hay, but ready to fend off some zombies!" Pitchfork(草叉)是3.0版的一种近身武器,占用2*3格。 更多信息 贡献者排名 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供...
Unturned's licenses, its application ID for reference, and its Steam Economy information alongside a test localization for it. VariousJSONfiles for providing game information such as the current version, configuration of the Streamer Mode name list, and preferences on graphical fidelity and other sett...
此教程的著作权由百度贴吧用户:几近冰封_温柔所有(steam 64位ID:76561198137312426),任何形式的转载以及发布如果不保留以上信息以及署名均视为侵权。本人保留追究的权利。目录:1L:版权声明和介绍2L:其他指南3L:如何开一个专用服务器4L:如何开一个临时服务器参考资源:unturned.wikia.com/wiki/Hosting_a_Listen_Server...
WIKI功能 阅读: 更新日期:2024-10-13 最新编辑:NACGNOH跳到导航 跳到搜索 页面贡献者 : 目录 1 稀有度 2 游戏中的稀有度 3 Steam经济的稀有度 4 花絮: 稀有度 稀有性是一个任意属性,适用于所有物品、载具、饰品和皮肤。该功能对实际游戏玩法没有影响,尽管它可以反映道具的价值、有用性或获取。对于...
Where is the Unturned Wiki? You can find the official Wiki for all of your questions on the game here: What are the best mods for a UnturnedServer? There is no definitive answer to this question as different Unturned servers will have different needs and preferences. However, a great place...
这篇文章需要改进。你可以帮助未转变者中文Wiki来编辑它。 睡袋 ID288 • 289 • 290 • 291 • 292 • 293 • 294 • 295 类型Barricade 大小2 格 (2x1) 描述 Warm bed perfect for a home 睡袋(Bedroll)是《未转变者》中一种罕见的可安置物品,可在垂钓区和野营地发现。