An updated list of item IDs for all guns in Unturned. Guns are the deadliest of weapons in Unturned. They use ammunition to shoot, can have several attachments and some can even destroy walls (really!). Models range from the common simple Maple Bow to th
Nykorev(尼柯拉夫)• Dragonfang(龍牙) Bows(弓弩) Crossbow(弩)• Maple Bow(楓木弓)• Birch Bow(樺木弓)• Pine Bow(松木弓)• Compound Bow(滑輪弓) Miscellaneous(其它) Shadowstalker(暗影潛獵者)• Rocket Launcher(火箭發射器) Upcoming(即將更新) Nail Gun • Flare Gun 百科...
A complete, updated list of allUnturned sentry IDs. Sentry guns are items that, when placed, will automatically shoot at other players, zombies and animals - different sentry guns have different behaviours, for example the friendly sentry gun will only attack hostile players and zombies. ...
[IDs 1165-1166] · Added police launch. [ID 108] · Added deadzone node, biohazard suit protects against this. · Added button to center map on player. · Added separate durability to suppressors rather than using gun durability. · Added search and hide uncraftable filters to crafting. ... Improved gun damage balance against players. Added damage against objects, set at 15. The Colt can now use Barrel Attachments. 琐事 与早期版本中的人气武器M1911相似,M1911由John Browning设计,Colt Firearms制造。 折叠 v t e 武器| ID列表 远程 手枪 王牌 | 复仇者 ...
Bows(弓弩) Crossbow(弩) • Maple Bow(枫木弓) • Birch Bow(桦木弓) • Pine Bow(松木弓) • Compound Bow(滑轮弓) Miscellaneous(其它) Shadowstalker(暗影潜猎者) •Rocket Launcher(火箭发射器) Upcoming(即将更新) Nail Gun•Flare Gun...
Bows(弓弩) Crossbow(弩) • Maple Bow(枫木弓) • Birch Bow(桦木弓) • Pine Bow(松木弓) • Compound Bow(滑轮弓) Miscellaneous(其它) Shadowstalker(暗影潜猎者) •Rocket Launcher(火箭发射器) Upcoming(即将更新) Nail Gun•Flare Gun...
ID是minigun的,7524,在线等!急求! 分享462 unturned吧 夏目友人帐☎ 为啥有的模组物品id能用有的模组物品id不能用?是冲突了么? 分享2赞 unturned吧 BIG_BOSS666 有办法查创意工坊MOD ID吗 幸存者服务器的这个毒液枪械挺帅的,就是不知道IDemm 分享31 unturned吧 Zomusk♂ 新地图carpat ID表 略有不足欢迎...
It is called "Swiss Rifle" (Or "Swiss gun") when you translate in German (a language spoken in Switzerland). But the correct translation for "Swiss Rifle" would be "Schweizer Gewehr" Even though it's police grade, it takes military ammunition. This trait is similar to the current version...
Spread_Midair and Recoil_Midair gun properties. Invulnerable [true/false] property for attachments. Enables Invulnerable property on the gun. Shared_Skin_Apply_Visuals item property. Per-deadzone damage and radiation control. FilterDegradationRateMultiplier mask item property. Multiplier for per-deadzon...