To become a Titan in Untitled Attack on Titan, you need to reach Prestige 6 to unlock Titan Shifting. You do this by leveling up to level 50 and then pressing M, going to the Prestige tab, and pressing the green Prestige button. If done, you will become Prestige 1, but this will re...
Roblox Untitled Attack on Titan is one of the bestAttack on Titangames out there. The game has everything you would ever want from anAttack on Titangame. From the iconic ODM gear to becoming a titan yourself. You can upgrade your gear and slay titans to become more powerful. You can us...
Our guide to Roblox Untitled Attack on Titan codes is here to help you in the titanic game. Go from loser to Eren Jaeger with our handy guide to every reward.