A API library that makes it easy to access the Webuntis JSON RPC 2.0 API apiphpcachingmemcachedschooljson-rpcwebuntisjson-rpc-api UpdatedFeb 7, 2020 PHP untisapi/untis4j Star26 Code Issues Pull requests A java API for webuntis javaapischooltimetablejava-apiwebuntistimetable-dataschool-manageme...
dockericalicswebuntispinneduntis UpdatedSep 26, 2024 TypeScript webuntis api for node.js apinpmnodeschooluntis UpdatedSep 27, 2017 JavaScript An alternative mobile client for Untis Timetable, adding features such as filtering out certain classes. ...
Copy all files fromcustom_components/webuntis/tocustom_components/webuntis/inside your Home Assistant config directory. Restart Home Assistant. Add the Integration viaUIor clickHERE. Docker If your Home Assistant is running in Docker, you may need to set your local timezone in the Docker configur...
import { WebUntisQR } from 'webuntis'; import { URL } from 'url'; import { authenticator as Authenticator } from 'otplib'; // The result of the scanned QR Code const QRCodeData = 'untis://setschool?url=[...]&school=[...]&user=[...]&key=[...]&schoolNumber=[...]'; cons...
简介 Untis makes it all easy With Untis Mobile, you have all functions of WebUntis on the go and all important information for a smooth school day are available at all times. All information at your fingertips anytime and anywhere:
Removing an icon or logo Additional information This PR fixes or closes issue: fixes # Link to code base pull request: Link to documentation pull request: Link to integration documentation on our website: Link to custom integration repository:https://github.com/JonasJoKuJonas/homeassistant-WebUnt...
Laden Sie Play Untis Mobile auf dem PC mit MEmu Android Emulator. Viel Spaß beim Spielen auf großmundieren. Mit Untis Mobile können Sie alle Funktionen von WebUntis auch unterwegs nutzen und haben alle wichtigen Informationen für einen reibungslosen Schulalltag jederzeit verfügbar.Spie...
Untis makes it all easy With Untis Mobile, you have all functions of WebUntis on the go and all important information for a smooth school day are available at…
Untis makes it all easy With Untis Mobile, you have all functions of WebUntis on the go and all important information for a smooth school day are available at…
Did you just email me back my own password?! webuntis.com School information Just wanted to change my password on my school online login. Discovered I could log into it with two different passwords. The recovery password is sent in an unencrypted email....