"I don't like playing the piano but I'll stick with it because it is a good skill to have"2) To stick TO something means to literally become attached to something, with glue for example :P3) However you can also say "to stick it to someone" which can be used literally as in 2...
Einflu von 2 Herbiziden auf den Kohlenstoff — und Stickstoffumsatz im Boden unter Laborbedingungen bei unterschiedlicher Stickstoffdüngung - ScienceDirectSummary Under laboratory conditions the influence of the herbicides "Aretit flüssig" (dinoseb acetate) and "Goltix" (Metamitron) on nitrogen...
Synonym für stick with sometimes it’s hard to distinguish a difference. since they both mean the same thing. example: “stick to your own business” “let’s stick with the plan”
Die Urologie - Prostata- und Mammakarzinome zhlen mit stetig steigenden Inzidenzen zu den hufigsten Neuerkrankungen bei Mnnern und Frauen. Neben den teilweise bedeutenden...Kranz, JenniferHoffmann, MarcoKrau, KatjaStickeler, ElmarSaar, Matthias...