错误原因:SyntaxError: unterminated string 错误,翻译过来就是:syntaxerror:未结束的字符串。解决办法:用subprocess.call(['python', 'watcher.py', i])代替os.system("python watcher.py "+i)。用subprocess.call(['/copy_output_file.sh', node])代替{}。
There is an unterminatedStringsomewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single (') or double (") quotes. JavaScript makes no distinction between single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings.Escape sequenceswork in strings created with either single or double quotes. To fix this error, ...
现在我们要解决的就是如何修复ash的第二个报错,即“unterminated quoted string”(未结束引用字符串)。 2.3K100 为a.out 举行一个特殊的告别仪式 /x86-hello-a.out: line 1: syntax error: unterminated quoted string 这说明 ZMAGIC a.out 不知道哪天开始已经失效了。