data = json.loads( # error happens here ... gunicorn command: gunicorn wsgi:app --bind --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm --workers=4 --worker-class gevent --reload --timeout 300 --graceful-timeout 300 --log-file=- Note that my endpoint is call...
sbatch call: sbatch --job-name e4d0cd06-d884-4f24-bba2-f8b2141d036b --output [obfuscated]/%j.log --export=ALL --comment force_field -A default -p some-partition --mem 1000 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --gres=gpu:1 -D [obfuscated] --wrap="[obfuscated]/python3.11 -m snak...
This provides a starting number of taps for the future. Since I will likely be only processing voice, and won’t be needing anything of a high quality I probably could tolerate some aliasing and reduce this further if needs be.
doc continue elif isinstance(e, ValidationError): function_error_count = 1 if 'function_error' not in args[0] else args[0]['function_error_count'] + 1 args[0]['function_error_count'] = function_error_count 0 comments on commit 1bc25c3 Please sign in to comment. ...