UNSW-NB15特征介绍 数据集共有49个特征, 下面分别进行介绍, 这里的内容来源为: Moustafa, Nour, and Jill Slay. "UNSW-NB15: a comprehensive data set for network intrusion detection systems (UNSW-NB15 network data set)." In 2015 military communications and information systems conference (MilCIS), p...
数据集一共有49个特征, 我们会在后面对每一种特征进行介绍. 在csv中保存的数据共有2,540044条数据, 被包含在四个文件中: The total number of records istwo million and 540,044which are stored in the four CSV files. 这里包含了每一种攻击的数量, 后面会做简单的分析:UNSW-NB15_LIST_EVENTS.csv. ...
UNSW-NB15特征介绍 数据集共有49个特征, 下面分别进行介绍, 这里的内容来源为: Moustafa, Nour, and Jill Slay. "UNSW-NB15: a comprehensive data set for network intrusion detection systems (UNSW-NB15 network data set)." In 2015 military communications and information systems conference (MilCIS), p...
UNSW-NB15总体介绍 数据集的官⽹:数据集下载链接:数据集中⼀共有9种攻击: This dataset has nine types of attacks, namely, Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and Worms.数据集⼀共有49个特征, 我们会在后⾯对每⼀种特征进⾏介绍.在csv中保存的数据...