Global Education and Student Exchange Anna Director, Global Education and Practicum Exchange Michelle Coordinator and Advisor for USA Elena Longo for Europe (excluding Spain, UK & Ireland) and ...
UNSW manages a large and active exchange program with over 200 different student exchange opportunities in 34 countries. UNSW embraces a policy of "internationalisation" across the whole university and we pride ourselves on being one of Australia's most International Universities. ...
I lived at the UNSW Village S1 2014 as an exchange student. They do try to have some events and build a community. As a former very active resident for two years at a dorm in my home uni in the US, I must say the community and engagement here is lacking. ...
–Now managed by Student Guild –Saves students $15,000 p.a. on cost of new stationery • Furniture reuse centre –Run by Facilities Management –Free office furniture for UNSW offices • Toner cartridges –Used cartridges and toner bottles collected for ...