✦土木与环境工程系(School of Civil & Environmental Engineering) ✦计算机科学与工程系(School of Computer Science and Engineering) ✦电机工程与通信系(School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications) ✦机械与制造工程系(School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) ✦采矿工程系(School of...
文学与社会科学院(Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) 位于Morven Brown、Robert Webster和Mathews等大楼。隶属文学与社会科学院的共有12个学系。 教育系 (School of Education) 英文系 (School of English) 历史系 (School of History) 历史与科学哲学系 (School of History and Philosophy of Science) 媒体、...
Applicants will be assessed on the basis of: Academic merit Leadership skills (school, workplace or community) Extra-curricular activities (sporting, cultural activities, volunteer/work experience) Reasons for undertaking studies at UNSW You must provide evidence supporting the above criteria in your on...
10个学院分别是: Arts and Social Sciences, Australian School of Business, the Built Environment, the College of Fine Arts, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science。 7楼2014-09-07 09:59 回复 大童君bd 铁杆吧友 8 申请截止 10月31日(春季),4月30日(夏季)。 8楼2014-09-07 09:59 ...
1. 商学院(Business School) 特点:商学院是UNSW的王牌学院之一,尤其在金融、会计和精算领域全球领先。 录取要求: 211/985院校:均分72 非211院校:均分88 特别推荐: 精算专业:需要额外提供专业课程成绩,适合想进入保险、金融和数据分析领域的学生。 金融硕士和MBA:非常适合希望进入投行、咨询等行业的申请者。
⑻Faculty of Medicine (Kensington Campus) 医学院 2011本科课程学费:30720澳元/年 硕士课程学费 ⑴Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Kensington Campus) 文学和社会科学学院 2011硕士课程学费:22560澳元/年 ⑵Australian School of Business (Kensington Campus) ...
10个学院分别是:Arts and Social Sciences,Australian School of Business,the Built Environment,the College of Fine Arts,Business,Engineering,Law,Medicine,Science。 新南威尔士大学,成立于1949年,是澳大利亚“八校集团”的成员,而且是东南亚、欧洲及北美洲最负盛名的“21世纪大学集团”的成员,在澳大利亚只有3所大学...
Asia Pacific 7参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/7167.html [澳大利亚] 新南威尔士大学 University of New South Wales 建校年代:1949年所在省州:新南威尔士州所在城市:Kensington学生人数:42360人官方网址:http://www.unsw.edu.au/中国教育部是否认证:获得认证新南威尔士大学简介 新南...
AGSM (Australian Graduate School ofManagement) Banking and Finance Economics Information Systems and Technology Management Marketing Risk and Actuarial Studies Taxation and Business Law 新南威尔士大学商学院是澳大利亚顶尖的商学院之一...