The UNSW Business School is one ofAustralia’s top business schools distinguished by the high calibre of ouracademics, students and alumni. We lead the way in research performance and inthe rankings of our education progr...
医学院共有9个系和诊所学校:医疗科学系(School of Medical Sciences)精神医学系(School of Psychiatry)公共健康与社区医学系(School of Public Health and Community Medicine)女性与儿童健康系(School of Women's and Children's Health)Rural Clinical School Prince of Wales Clinical School St George Clinical Sch...
✦计算机科学与工程系(School of Computer Science and Engineering) ✦电机工程与通信系(School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications) ✦机械与制造工程系(School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) ✦采矿工程系(School of Mining Engineering) ✦石油工程系(School of Petroleum Engineering...
10个学院分别是: Arts and Social Sciences, Australian School of Business, the Built Environment, the College of Fine Arts, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science。 7楼2014-09-07 09:59 回复 大童君bd 铁杆会员 8 申请截止 10月31日(春季),4月30日(夏季)。 8楼2014-09-07 09:59 ...
伯明翰大学(英语:University of Birmingham)是一所于1900年创立在英格兰伯明翰市的著名“红砖大学”。作为罗素大学集团成员之一,该大学的历史可追溯至创立于1828年的伯明翰药理与外科医学院(The Birmingham School of Medicine and Surge 关于新南威尔士大学和伯明翰大学大家怎么说 ...
⑻Faculty of Medicine (Kensington Campus) 医学院 2011本科课程学费:30720澳元/年 硕士课程学费 ⑴Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Kensington Campus) 文学和社会科学学院 2011硕士课程学费:22560澳元/年 ⑵Australian School of Business (Kensington Campus) ...
(8)Faculty of Medicine(Kensington Campus) 医学院 硕士课程学费:37200澳元/年 一、国际卓越学术奖学金 包括两个级别: 全额奖学金(最多7名) 奖学金金额20000澳元(最多28名) 有机会获得的额外福利: 入选国际学生职业发展项目 获得新南威尔士大学就业联谊活动(UNSW networking events)邀请函 获得校内宿舍优先申请...
school of business,the built environment,the college of fine arts,business,engineering,law,medicine,...
新南威尔士大学的主校区(Kensington)占地38公顷,该校区是澳大利亚的重要科研基地之一并提供450个本科和硕士、博士课程。10个学院分别是: Arts and Social Sciences, Australian School of Business, the Built Environment, the College of Fine Arts, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science。