✦土木与环境工程系(School of Civil & Environmental Engineering) ✦计算机科学与工程系(School of Computer Science and Engineering) ✦电机工程与通信系(School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications) ✦机械与制造工程系(School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) ✦采矿工程系(School of...
教育系(School of Education)英文系(School of English)历史系(School of History)历史与科学哲学系(School of History and Philosophy of Science)媒体、电影和戏剧系(School of Media,Film and Theatre)现代语言系(School of Modern Language Studies)音乐与音乐教育系(School of Music and Music Education)哲学系(...
隶属文学与社会科学院的共有12个学系。 教育系 (School of Education) 英文系 (School of English) 历史系 (School of History) 历史与科学哲学系 (School of History and Philosophy of Science) 媒体、电影和戏剧系 (School of Media,Film and Theatre) 现代语言系 (School of Modern Language Studies) 音乐...
Business School里出来的,厉害的都去了四大和几个银行投行,基本都是做Analyst和Accountant之类的,一般干个三四年就会升到Senior的节奏。一般的,就是去普通的澳洲中等规模公司干活,年薪好像十万左右? 工程的话在澳村就业率一直很高,不少学电气,机械和挖矿的都去西澳赚大钱惹(☆_☆)。 医学这种基本解决就业的就不提...
40% of international students 36.6 number of students per staff 47044 number of students (1)(2) Source: Times Higher Education (2024) Why Choose UNSW Sydney? Student SupportFor example, there is an Elite Athletes and Performers program, which supports students in intergrating their academic lives...
BusinessSchool 商学院 The UNSW Business School is one ofAustralia’s top business schools distinguished by the high calibre of ouracademics, students and alumni. We lead the way in research performance and inthe rankings ...
三年制大专文凭(Post-high school Diploma)不满足硕士预科课程申请要求。7. 我会一起收到UNSW硕士课程的打包录取吗?符合条件的学生将直接收到UNSW College硕士预科和UNSW硕士学位的打包录取通知书。8. 入读UNSW硕士课程后,我还可以修改我的硕士学位方向吗?...
School of Dentistry 纳维英语学院悉尼海德公园校区 拉筹伯大学悉尼校区 TD School Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building 时代英语学院 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic En Project Management School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ...
新南威尔士大学PhD in Humanities人类学社会学博士School of the Arts and Media 南加州大学MA in Occupational Therapy (Post-Professional)硕士Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy 南加州大学Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership教育学创业与战略管理学博士 ...
新南威尔士大学PhD in Humanities社会学人类学博士School of the Arts and Media 南洋理工大学Master of Mass Communication新闻传播学硕士 南洋理工大学PhD in Arts, Education and Sciences教育学博士 新南威尔士大学和南洋理工大学简介 新南威尔士大学 新南威尔士大学(英语:The University of New South Wales,简称UNSW...