✦商业法律与税务系 (School of Business Law & Taxation) ✦经济系 (School of Economics) ✦信息系统、科技和管理系 (School of Information Systems,Technology & Management) ✦组织与管理系 (School of Organisation and Management) ✦市场营销系 (School of Marketing) (包括旅游与医院管理) 工程学院...
商学院 (Faculty of Business) 由以下的学系组成 会计系 (School of Accounting) 精算系 (School of actuarial Studies) 银行及财务系 (School of Banking & Finance) 商业法律与税务系 (School of Business Law & Taxation) 经济系 (School of Economics) 信息系统、科技和管理系 (School of Infromation Syst...
+Australian School of Business is one of the most recognized institutes of learning in the entire nation. This institute is a part of the University of New South Wales which is also called UNSW. This educational institute of leaning is a foremost place for gaining knowledge of business related...
久负盛名的新南威尔士大学商学院(Business School)在2022年度又斩获一项殊荣! 就在2022年9月23日,新南威尔士大学商学院被AFR BOSS评为澳大利亚最佳商学院,位居排行榜第一名!该排名评估了近 40 所澳大利亚商学院,涵盖三个类别:职业影响、声誉和...
UNSW.Business School☄️ 将真实的商业案例融入课堂教学,确保学生获得实用的商业战略知识。☄️多元化的课程设置帮助学生深入了解全球商业环境和不同文化背景,培养具备全球视野的商业精英。☄️ 商学院斥资400万澳元打造创意学习空间及高级教学设备,为...
新南威尔士大学的主校区(Kensington)占地38公顷,该校区是澳大利亚的重要科研基地之一并提供450个本科和硕士、博士课程。10个学院分别是: Arts and Social Sciences, Australian School of Business, the Built Environment, the College of Fine Arts, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science。
⑵Australian School of Business (Kensington Campus) 澳大利亚商学院 2011硕士课程学费:32400澳元/年 ⑶Faculty of Law (Kensington Campus) 法学院 2011硕士课程学费:27360澳元/年 ⑷Faculty of Science (Kensington Campus) 理学院 2011硕士课程学费:29520澳元/年 ...
9. Master of Financial Analysis 1年 要求: A recognised bachelor degree with 2nd class lower division honours or higher (or equivalent qualification) in Finance, Accounting, or a closely related discipline, as determined by the UNSW Australia Business School; or ...
10个学院分别是:Arts and Social Sciences,Australian School of Business,the Built Environment,the College of Fine Arts,Business,Engineering,Law,Medicine,Science。 新南威尔士大学,成立于1949年,是澳大利亚“八校集团”的成员,而且是东南亚、欧洲及北美洲最负盛名的“21世纪大学集团”的成员,在澳大利亚只有3所大学...