💌线上的Library: 接下来我们来看看线上的Library如何使用吧👇! Step 1: 大家先登录UNSW Library Step 2: 如果大家想要搜索关于专业相关的资料,可以在搜索栏中输入“Subject Guides”。 Step 3: 点击查询后,就可以看到网站上罗列了很多专业,大家只需要点击自己想要查询的专业资料即可。 📚借书: 大家在图书馆...
Subject *.library.unsw.edu.au Fingerprint SHA256: 1d4ba09ee445169e1e3ad867b25677fdddd6eee6d8d63b602bb654c47b0856c3 Pin SHA256: kTCJhk7aOTcHDCfE1r+yUv4Rqf+jw5ZbJ26LKZcU40Q= Common names *.library.unsw.edu.au Alternative names *.library.unsw.edu.au library.unsw.edu.au Serial Numb...
In terms of a Gen Ed the subject is fairly light in terms of the work load as the assignments are not too lengthy. One assignment is 3 main quizzes of 10% each that are not too difficult as it tests material you have to read on Moodle and that you can also use while doing the ...