Law Library Desk, computer, study booth and study room bookings available. How bookings work If you find someone at your reserved study space, please show them your confirmation email as proof of booking. If you will no longer require your booking, allow someone else to book the study space...
首先,谷歌搜索“unswlibrarybooking”; 进入网页后,点击“bookastudyspace”; 选择你要预定的图书馆,是主图还是法图; 查看预定信息,比如图书馆余量、设备、人数等等; 最后,选择你想要的预定时间。一些小贴士: 预定成功后,你会收到一封确认邮件; 一定要在约定时间的15分钟内到达,否则预约会自动取消; 如果发现有人占用...