在WebApi2中的unsupported_grant_type是指请求的授权类型不受支持。授权类型是在OAuth 2.0协议中定义的一种方式,用于获取访问令牌。当客户端请求访问令牌时,需要指定授权类型,例如授权码(authorization code)、密码(password)、客户端凭证(client credentials)等。
在令牌交换代码时获取unsupported_grant_type是指在进行身份验证和授权过程中,使用了不支持的授权类型。授权类型是指用于获取访问令牌的方式,常见的授权类型包括授权码(authorization code)、密码(password)、客户端凭证(client credentials)等。 当获取unsupported_grant_type错误时,可能是由于以下原因导致的: ...
"unsupported_grant_type"错误是在使用OAuth 2.0协议进行身份验证和授权时常见的一个错误。它表示请求中指定的授权类型(grant type)不被服务器所支持。授权类型是用于定义客户端如何获取访问令牌(access token)的一种机制,例如授权码(authorization code)、密码(password)、客户端凭证(client credentials)等。 可能导致"...
{"error":"unsupported_grant_type","error_description":"The authorization grant type is not supported"} 我用的是PHP语言,代码整理如下: functionhttps_request($url,$arr=NULL){$curl=curl_init();curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$url);curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,15);curl_setopt($curl,CURL...
'url' : 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=MYCLIENTID&client_secret=MYSECRET&grant_type=client_credentials' } I then make this POST request (using the 'request' module). I am posting values for 'name' and 'campaign_group_status' which I understand are required val...
GRANT Usage notes Examples INSERT INSERT examples INSERT (external table) LOCK MERGE PREPARE REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW RESET REVOKE Usage notes Examples ROLLBACK SELECT WITH clause SELECT list FROM clause PIVOT and UNPIVOT examples JOIN examples WHERE clause Oracle-Style outer joins in the WHERE clause...
Fix missing native submit type from OAuth client add button (server#35237) Delay updating setup providers untill we register the mounts (server#35255) Fix default theming variables (server#35256) Generate user themed icons (server#35261) Also cancel XHR when cancelling uploads (server#35265) ...
Similar to Parquet, Delta now supports reading Hadoop file system configurations from DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter options when the table is read or written, by using DataFrameReader.load(path) or DataFrameWriter.save(path). See Configure Delta storage credentials....
DHCPv6: Modify DUID type of Windows Client Difference between language pack and nativ windows installation? Difference between proxy.pac and WPAD.dat Direct Access - IPv4 address used by clients to connect to the remote access server not working DirectAccess - Upload OK, Download very slow and uns...
我遵循this article来实现OAuth授权服务器。然而,当我使用post man获得一个令牌时,我会在响应中得到一...