Dictionary of Terms Rules (pdf) Gameplay Video Official Gameplay FAQ Card Decks Card Listing Card Previews Card InventoryNavigation Main page -UG Official Page -UG Discord -Facebook Links Current Games -Unstable Unicorns -Here To Slay -Happy Little Dinosaurs -Tic Tac K.O. -Casting Shadows -Comm...
There are also optional Stripping and Drinking rules for the game with the addition of the NSFW deck.One of the cards throughout the evening that gave me the most trouble? Pandamonium… my brother had it in his stable, rendering all of his unicorns into pandas. Multiple times I played ...
Specific Card Rules and Information Evolution of This Card Navigation Main page -UG Official Page -UG Discord -Facebook Links Current Games -Unstable Unicorns -Here To Slay -Happy Little Dinosaurs -Tic Tac K.O. -Casting Shadows -Command Of Nature ...
We are big fans of Unstable Unicorns, however things can get heated in that game pretty quickly. Due to some differences in the rules of some editions, my group had an "argument" that we jokingly wanted to settle by writing to customer support. We got back a very detailed and heartfelt...
The Second Print rulesheet stated "'Baby Unicorn Cards are Unicorns that only enter a stable from the nursery". This statement prevents the ability to Steal or swap a Baby Unicorn from stable to stable, which is not the intention of gameplay. This statement has been removed in the 2nd Edit...
The first person to successfully collect the required number of Unicorns in their Stable wins! Each Unicorn card counts for one Unicorn (unless otherwise stated.) 2-5 Players: 7 Unicorns to win.(If you are playing with 2 players, make sure to read the 2-player Rules section.) ...
Each time you play,STEAL, or bring a Unicorn into your Stable, it counts as "entering your Stable." Any time a Unicorn card is sacrificed, destroyed, stolen, or returned to hand, it counts as "leaving your Stable." Specific Card Rules and Information ...