unsigned char counter=0, led1=0;意思是定义两个无符号字符型的变量,并且给他们赋值。我们知道字符实际上也是整数,因为字符其实就是用ascii码来编码的。
在计算机科学和编程领域,unsigned是一个关键字,用于定义无符号整数类型,无符号整数是一种不包含负数的整数,其值范围从0到该类型的最大正数,这种数据类型在处理需要大量非负数值的应用场景中非常有用,如计数器、索引、内存地址等。 无符号整数的定义和用途 无符号整数通过省略符号位来扩展数值的范围,一个8位的无符号...
数据类型为unsig..#include <reg52.h>#define uint unsigned int#define uchar unsigned char#define A 9#define B
void convertStrToUnChar(char* str, unsigned char* UnChar) { int i = strlen(str), j = 0, counter = 0; char c[2]; unsigned int bytes[2]; for (j = 0; j < i; j += 2) { if(0 == j % 2) { c[0] = str[j]; c[1] = str[j + 1]; sscanf(c, "%02x" , &bytes...
// Timer/Counter 0 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: 62.500 kHz /...
*/private static finalAtomicInteger counter= newAtomicInteger(0);/** * 定义客户端会话安全容器 * 缓存客户端会话对象(正式环境,这里可以直接做分布式缓存) */private static finalCopyOnWriteArraySet sessionContainer= newCopyOnWriteArraySet<>();/** * 定义客户端会话和用户身份映射安全容器 ...
if(Counter ==1000000) { break; } } CloseHandle(hFile); QueryPerformanceCounter(&u64_pfmc_end); LARGE_INTEGER u64_pfmc_freq, timer; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&u64_pfmc_freq); timer.QuadPart = (u64_pfmc_end.QuadPart - u64_pfmc_start.QuadPart) *1000/ u64_pfmc_freq.QuadPart; charmsg[...
DWORD flags =0;// don't queue too much at once, or we might use up non-paged memoryWSABUF wsabuf = {UnsignedMin((u_long)128*1024, bufLen), (char*)buf};if(WSARecv(m_s, &wsabuf,1, &m_lastResult, &flags, &m_overlapped,NULL) ==0) ...
String literal should not be assigned to object unless it has type of pointer to const-qualified char. V2533. MISRA. C-style and functional notation casts should not be performed. V2534. MISRA. The loop counter should not have floating-point type. V2535. MISRA. Unreachable code should not...
你也可以写if(counter < 0xFFu),这也很好,两个操作数本质上都是无符号的。没有MISRA规则“积分...