Most credit cards do not require you to provide collateral for the money you borrow. That makes them "unsecured." Learn who qualifies for unsecured cards.
This innovative card combines elements of a personal loan with a credit card, providing a high credit limit even for those with fair credit. Cardholders earn 1.5% unlimited cash back on card purchases every time they make a payment, encouraging responsible credit use. The card also offers a $...
(670 to 850) to qualify for their best offers — especially if you’re looking for an unsecured card. If you have at leastfair credit, or a FICO score between 580 to 669, you’ll likely have more unsecured credit card offers available to you. If you have bad credit, however, your ...
Fair credit scores:Unsecured cards may be available to people who have fair credit. Fair credit scores can vary based on the credit-scoring model. For example, a fair FICO score can range from 580 to 669. And VantageScore’s fair or near-prime range might fall between 601 and 660. Poor...
Select breaks down the key differences and similarities between secured and unsecured credit cards, so you can decide what's best for you.
Applied Bank emphasizes personal service and flexibility in their mission of being the premier bank in the United States. Since 1996, they have been a leader in providing unsecured Visa and MasterCard Credit Cards to people with little or no credit histo
For some issuers, a secured credit card’s credit limit is equal to the amount of the initial deposit. But that’s not always the case. Capital One Platinum Secured cardis one example. Depending on the cardholder, an initial security deposit of $49, $99 or $200 can open an account with...
On the other hand, an unsecured credit card is one that requires no deposit. Instead, your financial reputation is enough for the card issuer. The issuer takes on the risk in the event that you default, since there's no security for it to fall back on. ...
make sense to question how you’ll go about moving from a secured credit card to a traditional card once you’ve established afair credit score. In truth, there are many factors that issuers look for that can impact your ability to upgrade your secured credit card to an unsecured card. ...
Make sure you understand unsecured debt, or borrowing without collateral, to make an informed decision before you choose a loan or credit card.