4、Remove #1 Check Assembly by using your hands to unscrew (turn counter-clockwise) Check and remove through top access port.───通过顶部检修口,用手按逆时针方向旋转止回阀螺纹,拆卸1号止回阀总成。 5、Use to unscrew Flame Adjuster Nut & Pump’s Stop Nut.───---用来旋松火焰调节器螺帽和泵...
1、Unscrew high beam bulb, bayonet lock counter-clockwise.逆时针拧下高光束灯泡、卡扣锁。 2、Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise.反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。 3、Unscrew threaded joint securing transmission cross member to body.拧下将变速器横梁固定到车身的螺纹接头。 4、to unscrew the bonnet...
11、unscrewhigh beam bulb, bayonet lock counter-clockwise.(逆时针拧下高光束灯泡、卡扣锁。) 12、unscrewrefrigerant line fastening screw for the compressor on the pressure damper.(旋下压力风门上压缩机的制冷剂管路紧固螺钉。) 13、What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
9.Unscrewthe bonnet by turning counterclockwise. 反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。 youdao 10.Unscrewaxle and left axle end, then remove bearing. 释放轴心和左侧的轴端盖子。之后取出轴承。 youdao 11.Unscrewhigh beam bulb, bayonet lock counter-clockwise. ...
+1 分享回复赞 丰田坦途吧 可爱Lilian 通用型拖车杠堵头2英寸方口橡胶堵头美式拖杠胶头胶塞子不掉使用方法:UNLOCK-Turn key 1/4 turn counter clockwise,then back&remove key unscrew cap counterclockwise.解锁:将钥匙按4 / 1逆时针方向转动,然后逆时针方向转动钥匙旋盖。油箱锁可拆下。 +1 分享回复赞 丰田坦...