是指Safari浏览器在内容安全策略(Content Security Policy,CSP)中忽略了nonce和unsafe-inline两个关键字的限制。 CSP是一种用于增强网页安全性的浏览器机制,它通过限制网页中可执行的脚本、样式和其他资源的来源来减少潜在的安全风险。其中,nonce是一种用于标识特定脚本或样式的安全性标记,而unsafe-inline则是允许在网页...
是指Safari浏览器在内容安全策略(Content Security Policy,CSP)中忽略了nonce和unsafe-inline两个关键字的限制。 CSP是一种用于增强网页安全性的浏览器机制,它通过限制网页中可执行的脚本、样式和其他资源的来源来减少潜在的安全风险。其中,nonce是一种用于标识特定脚本或样式的安全性标记,而unsafe-inline则是允许在网页...
javascript 添加nonce而不是unsafe-inline'后出错对于nonce属性,您应该在script标签上设置它,而不是在ifr...
There are ways to allow it, such as nonce and hash. But the sledge hammer way to allow it would be to add unsafe-inline to your policy. Suppose we added it to our policy: script-src: 'self' 'unsafe-inline'Now, go back to our vulnerable example app and try this:/app?name=alert...
Content Security Policies need to be set to 'unsafe-inline' to work with xterm.js. Older versions didn't use inline styles so this wasn't an issue. Ideally xterm should stop using inline styles or support a user-provided nonce value that...
Could we consider decoupling and style="..." usage in style-src 'unsafe-inline' CSP setup? The rationale is that as far as I am aware style="..." has no modern security issues in CSP supporting browsers; where as given selector s...
javascript 如何在网页中运行unsafe-inline,而不是在chrome扩展页中“style-src”部分,您可能不需要,但...
Take the nonce generated in step 1, and for any inline script/style you want to “whitelist”, make your backend code insert a nonce attribute into the document before it’s sent over the wire, with that nonce as the value: … Take the nonce generated in step 1, prepend ...
是指Safari浏览器在内容安全策略(Content Security Policy,CSP)中忽略了nonce和unsafe-inline两个关键字的限制。 CSP是一种用于增强网页安全性的浏览器机制,它通过限制网页中可执行的脚本、样式和其他资源的来源来减少潜在的安全风险。其中,nonce是一种用于标识特定脚本或样式的安全性标记,而unsafe-inline则是允许在网页...