Washington has made a good start on this by acting to shut down the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which for years has funneled millions of dollars to anti-Israel advocacy groups and entities linked to terrorism. Some of the terror-tied funding initiatives are public...
MARGARET BRENNAN: The USAID chief Sam Power- Samantha Power, said conditions are worse now in Gaza than ever before. She said that was due to the Israeli military operations and closed crossings. What exactly is the humanitarian situation right now? ANDERSON: So what you have is 2.2 million...
Trump asegura que Irán será "aniquilado" si atenta contra su vida Este martes, Trump también firmó lo que llamó una directiva "muy dura" que restablece su campaña de "máxima presión" sobre Irán y advirtió que dejó "instrucciones" para...
A bill in Congress attempts to codify this [Trump’s] new formulation.HR 6451stipulates that only the surviving refugees qualify for resettlement and UNRWA services. The rest of the aid would be channelled to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is bound by t...