involvement in the World War I due to the January 1917 decision of Germany to resume unrestricted submarine warfare. The decision of Germany to deploy its submarines in 1917 was seen as a calculated risk to win the war for the Central Pow...
[ˌʌnrɪˈstrɪktɪd ˈsʌbməri:n ˈwɔ:fɛə] 释义 无限制的潜艇战 实用场景例句 全部 On the first of February, we intend to beginunrestricted submarine warfare. 在二月一日, 我们将会展开无限制潜艇战. 互联网
无限制潜艇战(Unrestricted submarine warfare)是指不分军用或民用的设备或工具,于战时为求打击敌方士气及消耗敌方物资,不惜攻击非军用部队或设备,尤其是载具的战略。历史上比较出名的就是一战和二战期间德军U艇对盟军商船的无限制攻击行动和二战期间美国对日本的封锁中的潜艇战 ...
unrestricted a. 无限制的 warfare n. 1.战争,战争状态 submarine n.[C] 1. 潜(水)艇 2.(also submarine `sandwich)潜艇三明治(长面包纵向切开, 夹肉﹑ 乾酪﹑ 色拉等 a. 1.(存在或置于)海面下的 eco warfare n. 生态恐怖主义 A submarine 核潜艇 tanker submarine 潜水油船 最新...
In its decision of 7 December 1941 to adopt a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare - the destruction of all vessels entering a designated war zone - the United States not only dramatically reversed its previous foreign policy position of defending freedom of the seas but in doing so adopted...
A complex historical events cannot be simply comes down to one or two on the reasons. Unrestricted submarine warfare on the United States caused some losses. But not touch United States the root causes of war. Or that can only be describ ...
The culture of war: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Atrocities and changes to cultural coresBenYehuda, Nachman
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1916Dan Schlenoff