就可以了。 问题2:创建第一个flutter应用是,项目名取了含大写字母时,总是报错:must be a valid Dart package name 解决:项目名全小写即可! 问题3:Unresolved reference: FlutterActivity 创建第一个flutter项目后,MainActivity继承的FlutterActivity总是报红,无法正常运行,此时需要再当前AndroidStudio上操作:File =》O...
Android 未进行依赖管理导致IDE 报错 "Unresolved reference: registerForActivityResult" 但是能正常编译 分享人:equationl 分类: 广场Tab / 自助 时间:2022-08-04 09:05 收藏人数:2收藏这篇文章的用户 w123456789 ashen同章节文章 systemserver进程监控者--watchdog 分享人:goweii 时间:2024-09-01 22:29 ...
Flutter and android mixed development, android is opened with Android Studio alone, but import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity prompts Unresolved reference: embedding (Cannot resolve symbol 'embedding'). doctor: flutter.bat ...
Getting Unresolved reference: annotation and Unresolved reference: NonNull while running Flutter app Getting following error while running App Actual results: e: C:\Users\Ananthan\AndroidStudioProjects\expense_tracker\shop_lite1\android\...
TopicRepliesViewsActivity Force reconnection to MongoDB MongoDB Atlas App Services & Realm flutterflexible-sync 1.3kAug '23 Performance question - Atlas data api vs graphql api vs realm-web sdk MongoDB Atlas App Services & Realm node-jsserverlessgraphql ...
Unresolved reference: S#32 erueloiopened this issueDec 3, 2021· 5 comments Comments Copy link erueloicommentedDec 3, 2021 When I compile the app with Visual Studio Code it gives me the following error: e: C:\Projects\flutter.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\flutter_foreground_task-3.5....
It should also appear in files like the MainActivity.kt that are created by Flutter itself. Do you have AndroidStudio installed? Could you try (in vscode/intellij/android studio) right click on the android/ folder and say flutter -> Open Android Module in Android Studio Owner ABausG ...