在IntelliJ IDEA 中运行 Maven 项目时,遇到 ‘Unresolved plugin: ‘org.apache.maven.plugins:xxxx’’ 错误通常是因为插件没有正确解析。以下是解决此问题的几个步骤:步骤1:检查插件的坐标是否正确请确保 ‘org.apache.maven.plugins:xxxx’ 的坐标是正确的,并且插件已经发布到了 Maven 中央仓库。有时候,错误的插...
尽可能使用经过广泛测试和验证的插件和 Maven 版本。 4.2 定期更新项目依赖 定期更新项目中的 Maven 插件和依赖库,以保持与最新技术的兼容性。 4.3 配置可靠的 Maven 仓库 使用稳定的 Maven 仓库源,如 Maven 中央仓库或可信的第三方仓库。 4.4 检查 IDE 配置 确保IDE(如 IntelliJ IDEA 或 Eclipse)中的 Maven 配...
最后查看maven,我以前用的都是intellij的自带maven,可能会有问题,保险起见,我在外部装一个maven,解压版的maven,apache-maven-3.0.4,于是从新配置,新的配置maven会自动下载包,于是等于把项目的依赖包从新下载一遍。 下载中,有些报红,说明没下下来,查看maven的插件org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin都没...
I created a simple Maven project in Idea 13.1.5, and I initially had some struggles with my proxy, but I finally got to where I could run "Update" in Maven>Repositories forhttp://repo1.maven.org/maven2. Icreated a simple RESTful web service, and so I needed javax.ws.rs, so I co...
Just reproduced using IntelliJ IDEA / Maven: Error:Error:(83, 53) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: serializer IDE:IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.2 (Community Edition) pom.xml: <projectxmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http...
plugins { id 'java' id 'org.jetbrains.intellij' version '1.3.0' id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm" version "1.6.10" } group 'com.github.cooker' version '1.1.5' sourceCompatibility = 11 targetCompatibility = 11 repositories { mavenCentral() gradlePluginPortal() } // See https://github.com/...
I look into my local Maven repository and it exists. I think that the Maven integration isn't working quite right. Is there a solution or is this a bug? Eclipse used to have this problem (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-1180) and I'm using the maven bundle pl...
I have found an issue related to mine (unknown local variable); it concerned SonarLint for IntelliJ and is already fixed, however. We are using SonarLint for Eclipse, which is working fine. We use SonarQube 8.9 LTS. The project is build with maven + tycho, ...
Hello friends,I'm attempting to create an IDE plugin to no avail. The documentation was of no help, and googling IntelliJ plugin...
IDE_version: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2021.2.3 Scala_version: 3.1.0 build.properties: sbt.version=1.5.5 libraryDependencies: libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.2.10" libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalat...