“unrecognized message version”错误通常出现在程序版本不一致的情况下。这种情况可能出现在下列场景中: - 当客户端与服务器之间进行通信时,如果它们的版本不同步,那么将无法识别对方发出的信息,从而引发该错误。 - 当软件进行更新时,如果新版本的程序与旧版本的程序不兼容,那么旧版本的程序就无法识别新版本的信息,从...
post调用webservices unrecognized message version "POST调用 Web Services 时出现 'Unrecognized message version' 错误通常表示在请求中发送的消息版本与 Web Services 服务器期望的版本不匹配。这可能是由于以下原因导致的: 1. 不兼容的协议版本:Web Services 服务器可能已经升级到新的协议版本,而你的客户端代码仍然...
And which message version.If you used wsHttpbinding which not support soap1.1 message version.If so, in my opinion , you could create a custom binding that uses SOAP 1.1encoding, HTTP transport, and then add the binding elements that you require forreliability and messaging....
copy headers & body) to service A and Asynchronously send the HttpWebRequest to service B (identical to service A). Server B returns Http 400 response. Inner exception is “Unrecognized Message Version”.
With .NET Core 2.x I am getting an exception: ServiceModel.CommunicationException: Unrecognized message version when I call a method on the proxy client after setting basic authentication credentials from codeEverything works fine with basic authentication from a full frame .NET console program (VS...
The error message "Unrecognized project file version" typically indicates that the project file you are trying to open or work with is in a format that is not compatible with the software you are using. This could be due to various reasons, such as using an outdated version of the software...
Description: The client sends a message with type alert (\x15) and invalid version number (\x83\x01) GnuTLS responds with protocol_version alert. At...
When encountering the "stata stat is unrecognized" error message, it is essential to first understand the possible causes. Below are some common reasons why this error might occur: 1. Misspelled Command: One of the most straightforward explanations for the error may be a misspelled command. Ensur...
63 、Represents the SOAP version 1.2 DataEncodingUnknown fault code indicating the SOAP message is encoded in anunrecognizedformat.───[本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。 64 、To maximize code re-use, the GWT compiler also ignoresunrecognizedannotations...
*@version1.0.0 *@ClassNameSendEmailController.java *@DescriptionTODO *@createTime2022年03月24日 10:36:00 */@RestControllerpublicclassSendEmailController{@AutowiredprivateJavaMailSender javaMailSender;@Value("${spring.mail.username}")privateString name;// 上传文件存储目录@RequestMapping("/email")publicvo...