deferred taxonunrealised gains and lossesoninvestments. 保單持有人回報應佔稅項開支有所增加,主要是由於投資未變現收益及虧損的遞延稅項增加所致。 All intra-group balances, transactions,unrealised gains and lossesresulting from ...
arecognition of unrealised gains and losses in the income statement increases volatility and does not enhance transparency, because revaluation changes will blur the assessment of an entity's operating performance. It may also cause a presumption that the unrealised gains are available for distribution ...
Unrealisedgains and losses from changes in fair value are reported in cost of goods sold. 公平值變化而產生的未變現收益及虧損在已售商品成本中進行列賬。 Capital gains or losses, whether realisedorunrealised,donot form ...
unrealisedgains/lossesIn this paper I examine the value relevance of unrealised gains/losses on non-agency securities owned by bank holding companies and how this valuation property may have changed in the recent crisis period. I find value relevance of these unrealised changes, but only in the ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Adj.1. unrealised- of persons; marked by failure to realize full potentialities; "unfulfilled and uneasy men"; "unrealized dreams and ambitions" ...
Apprise ERP enables you to account for historic and current currency exchange rates, and establish realised and unrealised gains and losses for accounts using the current exchange rate. 爱普瑞斯ERP系统能够显示历史和当前货币汇兑率,并使用此货币汇兑率确定账户实现和未实现的外币汇兑损益。 ParaCrawl Corpu...
However, this would not be applicable to the marked-to-market profits and thus you would not benefit from it. Also, the realised and unrealised profit will be negative if there are any losses. Let us understand this with below example: Consider you have two open positions A & B. Let's...
Unrealised gains and losses resulting from transaction between the Group and its jointly-controlled entities are eliminated [...] 未 實現的集 團與共同控制企業間交 易產生的盈利或虧損將按照集團在共同控制企業中的權益份額做抵消,除非未實現的虧損有轉移的資產減值的證據。
Unrealisedgainsandlossesresulting from transaction between the Group and its jointly-controlled entities are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s investment in the jointly-controlled entities, except whereunrealised lossesprovide evidence of impairment of the asset transferred. ...
Realisedandunrealised gainsandlosses arising from changes in the fair valueofthe“financial assets at fair value through [...] 於損益 賬處理並按 公平值列 賬金融資產之公 平 值如 出現 任 何變 動,所產生的 已變 現及未 變現 收益及 虧損 均 於產 生期 內列入 損益 ...