控件交互组件 如您使用控件组件显示以 3D 形式存在于游戏世界中的 UI,还需要玩家与此控件进行交互,可通过控件交互(Widget Interaction)组件来实现交互。 控件交互组件执行光线投射,确定它是否命中世界场景中的控件组件。如命中,可设置规则确定与其交互的方式。 交互通过模拟定义的按键来执行。例如一个按钮可通过...
This is a component to allow interaction with the Widget Component. This class allows you to simulate a sort of laser pointer device, when it hovers over widgets it will send the basic signals to show as if the mouse were moving on top of it. You’ll then tell the component to simulate...
UWidget This is the base class for all wrapped Slate controls that are exposed to UObjects. UWidgetCheckedStateRegistration UWidgetComponent The widget component provides a surface in the 3D environment on which to render widgets normally rendered to the screen. UWidgetInteractionComponent This is...
When standard input comes to the player controller, you’ll instruct the interaction component to simulate a particular hardware input such as Left Mouse Down/Up over whatever widget the user happens to be hovering at that time.For users who were previously relying on clicking directly on Widget ...
首先,找到看起来像 的行UCLASS(),并在括号之间添加meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent),所以它看起来像: UCLASS(meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent)) 然后,在该行下面添加以下两行代码GENERATED_BODY(): UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable)voidSetupLink(FVectorLeft,FVectorRight,ENavLinkDirection::TypeDirection); ...
AUDIOCOMPONENT OnAudioFinished(AudioComponent AC) - 当AudioComponent已经完成播放它的当前SoundCue(或者是完成播放或者调用Stop()函数)时调用这个代理。AC指向激活这个代理的AudioComponent。 GAMEINFO bool CanUnpause() - 当您需要实现游戏是否可以取消暂停状态的更加精确的条件时这个函数是有用的。默认情况下,它仅是...
void UARHandMeshComponent::OnTrackableAdded(UARTrackedGeometry* Added) 您可以透過 UARTrackedGeometry::GetUnderlyingMesh存取網格資料: C++ 複製 UMRMeshComponent* UARTrackedGeometry::GetUnderlyingMesh() 藍圖API 參考 若要在藍圖中使用手部網格: 將ARTrackableNotify 元件新增至藍圖動作專案 移至[ 詳細數據...
The visual component of a graph node The visual component of the graph node is the Slate widget, which is responsible for the appearance of the nodes and their connectors. The visual component of a graph node consists of a class derived from SGraphNode that defines the appearance of the nod...
GrabComponent中使用的重要函数抽象为使用蓝图接口资产VRInteraction BPI的通用接口。借助此蓝图接口资产,VRPawn可以简化逻辑,避免对每种类型的对象进行多次检查。有关蓝图接口及其优势的更多信息,请参阅蓝图接口。 菜单 按运动控制器上的菜单按钮可打开VR模板的菜单。该菜单使用虚幻示意图形(UMG)构建。请参阅...
USkeletalMeshComponent使用CreateDefaultSubobject<T>来创建。如果你们使用C++来搭建你们的游戏,你们会经常使用到这个函数。 你们也许已经注意到我们创建MeshComp,并赋值给RootComponent。接下来,任何Scene Component都能够Attach到该Mesh上面。 WidgetComp = CreateDefaultSubobejct<UWidgetComponent>(TEXT("InteractWidgetComp"...