This is a component to allow interaction with the Widget Component. This class allows you to simulate a sort of laser pointer device, when it hovers over widgets it will send the basic signals to show as if the mouse were moving on top of it. You’ll then tell the component to simulate...
Set Custom Hit ResultSets a custom hit result. This is only taken into account if the Interaction Source is set to Custom. The properties for the Widget Interaction component can also be reterived in the form of a getter or set via setter nodes. ...
How to create a Widget Blueprint and Overview of the Widget Blueprint Interface. UMG Slots An overview of how to use UMG slots. Widget Interaction Component Outlines how to use the Widget Interaction Component to interact with 3D Widgets. ...
The Widget Interaction Component is great for just about every interaction use case - the one it is not is when you actually want the 3D widgets to take focus, and to be able to be typed directly into by the user. The kind of situation where you might want to use them as a 3D menu...
如您使用控件组件显示以 3D 形式存在于游戏世界中的 UI,还需要玩家与此控件进行交互,可通过控件交互(Widget Interaction)组件来实现交互。 控件交互组件执行光线投射,确定它是否命中世界场景中的控件组件。如命中,可设置规则确定与其交互的方式。 交互通过模拟定义的按键来执行。例如一个按钮可通过鼠标左键点...
分为Widget(控件组件)和WidgetInteraction(控件交互组件) 用于显示UI,可设置显示的方式和属性 公告板组件(Billboard): 给Actor打上图片标记,方便在场景中点击选中,该标记在运行阶段时不会显示 文本渲染组件(TextRender): 给Actor打上文字标记,方便在场景中点击选中和作为提示区分,该标记在运行阶段时会显示 粒子特效组...
USkeletalMeshComponent使用CreateDefaultSubobject<T>来创建。如果你们使用C++来搭建你们的游戏,你们会经常使用到这个函数。 你们也许已经注意到我们创建MeshComp,并赋值给RootComponent。接下来,任何Scene Component都能够Attach到该Mesh上面。 WidgetComp = CreateDefaultSubobejct<UWidgetComponent>(TEXT("InteractWidgetComp"...
// Find our own interaction handling component on the actor. // If it does not exist, create it. UInteractionComponent InteractComp = UInteractionComponent::GetOrCreate(Actor); // Find an interaction handling component specifically named "ClimbingInteraction", // or create a new one with that...
has a Widget Interaction Component to interact with the menu. It also has a static mesh actor with a cylindrical mesh representing a controller's laser pointer. This static mesh actor is visible when the menu is currently active and when the Widget Interaction Component is not presently intersect...
UActorComponent::GetOwner() APawn::GetController() AController::GetPawn() APlayerState::GetPlayerController() UUserWidget::GetOwningPlayer() AHUD::GetOwningPlayerController() APlayerCameraManager::GetOwningPlayerController() APlayerState::GetPawn() AController::GetPlayerState() APlayerController.Pl...