分为Widget(控件组件)和WidgetInteraction(控件交互组件) 用于显示UI,可设置显示的方式和属性 公告板组件(Billboard): 给Actor打上图片标记,方便在场景中点击选中,该标记在运行阶段时不会显示 文本渲染组件(TextRender): 给Actor打上文字标记,方便在场景中点击选中和作为提示区分,该标记在运行阶段时会显示 粒子特效组...
Bugfix: Fixed an issue where widget deltas were not being correctly calculated when the widget was positioned behind the camera. This had meant that Ctrl+Mouse Button dragging to move the currently selected actor(s) along one of their axes was not working if the widget was behind the camera...
Bugfix: Fixed an issue where widget deltas were not being correctly calculated when the widget was positioned behind the camera. This had meant that Ctrl+Mouse Button dragging to move the currently selected actor(s) along one of their axes was not working if the widget was behind the camera...
unreal.BuoyancyComponent unreal.BuoyancyManager unreal.Button unreal.ButtonSlot unreal.ButtonWidgetStyle unreal.CableActor unreal.CableComponent unreal.CacheCollectionFactory unreal.CachedAnimDataLibrary unreal.CalibrationPointComponent unreal.CameraActor unreal.CameraAnimationCameraModifier unreal.CameraAnimationSequence ...
ACesiumCreditSystem now has a Blueprint-accessible property for the CreditsWidget. This is useful to, for example, move the credits to an in-game billboard rather than a 2D overlay. Fixes 🔧 Fixed a bug where collision settings were only applied to the first primitive in a glTF. Fixed ...
root_component (SceneComponent): [Read-Write] The component that defines the transform (location, rotation, scale) of this Actor in the world, all other components must be attached to this one somehow runtime_grid (Name): [Read-Write] Determine in which partition grid this actor will be pl...
ACesiumCreditSystemnow has a Blueprint-accessible property for theCreditsWidget. This is useful to, for example, move the credits to an in-game billboard rather than a 2D overlay. Fixes 🔧 Fixed a bug where collision settings were only applied to the first primitive in a glTF. ...
The Widget Component will now correctly hit test once again. Bugfix: Fixed several Slate controls, such as Slider and Checkbox, on touch devices. They once again respond to touch events.Programming Release NotesAudioOptimized FAudioDevice::FindActiveSound by reducing weak object pointer comparisons....
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki — https://unrealcommunity.wiki/! You will b…
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki — https://unrealcommunity.wiki/! You will b…