还有一个关于 Switch Has Authority 的示例,请查看 在蓝图中检测网络主机和远程客户端 页面。 在(2)处,新玩家的 PlayerState 被转换为 Cast MyPlayerState 蓝图,这里会设置 Player Number(3)用来保证玩家记分牌中的顺序和玩家顺序一致(每个新玩家的加入,都会添加到记分牌中)。 在设置 Player Number 后,New Playe...
Switch Has Authority 节点用于检查当前正在运行的脚本正在从何处执行,然后基于脚本是在网络授权者(通常为服务器)还是远程机器(客户端)上运行将其分成两个不同的方向。 通常,你会对只希望在服务器上发生的事情使用授权者(这些通常为游戏关键性事件,例如调整玩家的生命值或赠送奖励或掠夺物品,因为你不想让客户端确定...
在BP_按钮_组播(BP_Button_Multicast)蓝图的事件图表(分为以下几张图)中,你可以在第一张图中看到如何在服务器和客户端上触发重叠事件(Overlap Events),而脚本的其余部分仅通过使用开关具有权限(Switch Has Authority)节点在服务器上运行。 按钮按下(Button Pressed)或按钮释放(Button Released)自定义事件时,由于它们...
As a result, when AActor::HasAuthority() function is run on a client, and the target is an Actor that was replicated to them, it will return false. You can also use the Switch Has Authority convenience macro in Blueprint as a quick means to branch for different server and client ...
By then, it has been a 100ms round-time trip (RTT) before the client can even update its position in the game. To make matters worse, the client is now 50ms (1/2 RTT) behind the server. This creates a noticeable delay for the player, who might be running at 60fps (16.7ms per...
Switch Has Authority Execute Authority Remote Remove UI Speed Bar Client Target Character Is Controlled Target Return Value Branch Condition True False Character Is Controlled Target Return Value Branch Condition True False Change Movement Mode Fullscreen Reset Graph Zoom 1:1 blueprint blue...
Most of what this article explained was from the network client's point of view. Let's switch to the server side for a while to discuss a very important thing, network bandwidth. Bandwidth is usually the most-restricted parameter in a network. Data is sent sequentially, so apart from the...
Thank you to everyone who has guided and supported other developers on the Wiki and various Unreal Engine resources. And extra special thanks to@Erasio,@MonsOlympus,@nickglenndotcom,@FunAndFriendly, and all the individuals who have worked hard to bring together this new, community resource. ...
important if your project records replays on clients as actors on clients temporarily switch to a local authority role when recording the actor into a replay. As a result, any actors that record for a replay should maintain their subobject list on the client regardless of their local network ...
You are John Dalton, an ex-Marine assigned to patrol the edge of human space as a Marshal for the Terran Colonial Authority. Unexpectedly, your monotonous life is shattered by a chilling distress signal, plunging you into an adventure beyond belief. Violent turmoil among the races has erupted ...